Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Essay on Success, Attempted, In English 310 B

Combine your patience, empow’r it with wit;
Dress’d be your grace, reason-the Architect.
What follows will temper your opinion,
English and Arch’s expos’d sin.
Gather your books, shoulder your response,
Justify pride, educate your guess;
Unveil the pit of intellect proper,
Adjust your seat, recline with bias’d laughter.
Let your expression allow sagacity,
Heed the poetic dead! Give pausity,
Listen to Swift, Pope, temper their uneven march,
Gather your notes, while ye may, petal’d, by Arch.
Here time, is Lord, Arch its viceroy,
Govern’d by-laws, showing leniency.
Grades, like true grapes, multi-sweet are giv’n,
Marks, a coat-of-arms, their role like Riven ,
Some gathered, pressed, and squeezed into mold;
If one, in imitation, exploits their world,
Condem’d the plagiarized offender.
Quit! Liken’d voices, cry- “Surrender”.


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