Saturday, October 13, 2007

Relevance Redux Introductions et cetera

Greetings to all! I have just created what I hope to be an exciting intersection for e-articulations from across the disciplines. As a current graduate student--I would like to believe that the more educated one becomes the greater the desire toward a relevant code of manners. I suggest such a code to be an ethic of sorts; specifically, I subscribe to the debtor's ethic--a philosophical, life-long project. Those wishing to comment or enquire as to this belief system please feel free to post. I look forward to your comments.

I am currently at home grading student papers, but I am willing to reply to blog posts as follows. I do hope to have a blog that details my travels in academia as well as my personal geographical exile. I know not how much longer I will stay within the "walls" of America, but perhaps that is for another time and for another space.

Thank you for taking the time to read these ramblings and I look forward to your comments and our future correspondence.


Gil said...

Gil's first post.

Jeffrey said...

Wonderful idea to blog. I am thinking about doing the same thing.


Andrew said...
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Andrew said...

Blog looks great, a very interesting read. Hope to see more as time gets on!


Slauticus said...

Hello World!
Looking forward to a post on the walls of America.